The awesome beauty of the Universe

My name is Daniele Gasparri. I am an astrophysicist, science communicator and astrophotographer with more than twenty years of experience and a great passion for astronomy.

I live in the Atacama Desert in Chile, under the world’s darkest night sky, where the stars cast shadows and the sight of the Milky Way is breathtaking. Over the years, I have published more than 40 books dedicated to astronomical outreach and I have captured more than 1,000 astronomical photos of the Universe’s wonders, marveling at its diverse colors and beauty.


Astronomy Books


Astronomical Pictures

I am available for advice, guidance, courses, and astronomy lectures in Italian, Spanish, and English.


Preview of my astrophotos

Astrophotography is the difficult art to capture the beautiful and hidden objects of the Universe.

Although our eyes are not sensitive enough to observe much of the Cosmos’s colours, photography does. Then, the colours you’ll see in the images are real and are often used to investigate the properties of the celestial bodies that emit them. 


Let's talk about Astronomy

The Colors of the Stars

The Colors of the Stars

Many people and enthusiasts in the field are convinced that astronomical photography of the sky is quite difficult. This is…

The zodiacal light

The zodiacal light

In the heart of the Atacama Desert, one of the best places to observe the sky, an extraordinary celestial spectacle…

Click here to explore all articles

This is just a preview! Discover all the articles for in-depth insights, practical guides on sky observation, optimal telescope use, astrophotography, and much more.



Oh Wow! I saw Saturn!

Let’s start the most amazing and funny training of our lives and get ready to explore, with our telescope, the most astonishing place we will ever see: our Universe.

The Awesome Beauty of the Universe

Beauty in the Universe is everywhere. We will understand the true, profound and eternal meaning of Beauty, something objective, tangible, satisfying, addictive.

Click here to discover all the books

This is just a preview! Explore the complete collection of my astronomy outreach books to learn how to observe and photograph the Universe and uncover its extraordinary beauty.

Daniele Gasparri

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